Paralegal Association                            of Northern Virginia

The Northern Virginia Connection for Professional Paralegals

Upcoming events

    • 10/16/2024
    • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Virtual

    The October monthly meeting will be held virtually. Please join us!

    If your office is available to host a monthly meeting, either after work or on a Saturday morning, please do not hesitate to email us at to work out the details.  As always, if you are not able to attend a meeting in person, you may participate via conference call or zoom (if available).

    • 10/18/2024
    • 11:30 AM
    • 10/19/2024
    • 3:00 PM
    • DoubleTree by Hilton, Charlottesville, Virginia




    October 18-19, 2024

    Charlottesville, Virginia

    DoubleTree by Hilton

    Hotel Registration

    Please be sure to state that you are attending the VAPA Conference if reserving a room via telephone.

    Click here to Register

    • 11/20/2024
    • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
    • Virtual

    The November monthly meeting will be held virtually. Please join us!

    If your office is available to host a monthly meeting, either after work or on a Saturday morning, please do not hesitate to email us at to work out the details.  As always, if you are not able to attend a meeting in person, you may participate via conference call or zoom (if available).

Past events

09/26/2024 NFPA Annual Convention September 26-29, 2024
09/18/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
06/18/2024 PANV Annual Meeting
05/08/2024 PANV May Monthly Meeting
05/04/2024 PANV Half-Day (Saturday) CLE
04/26/2024 VTLA Advanced Paralegal Retreat
04/24/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/16/2024 NFPA Fully Virtual Joint Conference April 16-18, 2024
03/27/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
02/28/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/31/2024 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/13/2024 VAPA Delegates Meeting
12/07/2023 PANV Holiday Social
12/06/2023 Winter Brown Bag CLE
11/15/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
11/04/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/05/2023 NFPA Annual Convention October 5-8, 2023
10/04/2023 Meet and Greet
09/27/2023 PANV September Monthly Meeting
09/06/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
08/12/2023 Annual Crab Feast
07/12/2023 Lunch & Learn Webinar: The Rise of AI in the Legal Profession: Lawyers and Paralegals Brace for Impact
06/10/2023 VAPA Delegates Meeting
06/07/2023 PANV Annual Meeting
05/06/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/28/2023 VTLA Advanced Family Law Paralegal Retreat: Making Order Out of Chaos
04/15/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
03/31/2023 NFPA Joint Conference (Virtual)
03/11/2023 VAPA Delegates Meeting
03/08/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
02/08/2023 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/07/2023 PANV Member Meeting
11/15/2022 PANV November Meeting
11/02/2022 VTLA Annual Paralegal Seminar
10/12/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/01/2022 7th PANV Half-Day (Saturday) CLE
09/15/2022 NFPA Annual Convention
09/10/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
08/13/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting and Crab Feast
07/27/2022 CRASE - Active Shooter Presentation
06/25/2022 VAPA Board Meeting (conference planning)
06/11/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting (Annual Meeting) (Virtual)
06/08/2022 Member-Guest Meet and Greet!
05/14/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/30/2022 NFPA Region IV Spring Meeting (Host: MAP)
04/29/2022 VTLA Advanced Paralegal Retreat
04/13/2022 PANV's Fifth Lunch and Learn CLE
04/09/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
03/05/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
02/16/2022 PANV's Fourth Lunch and Learn CLE
02/05/2022 Monthly PANV Meeting
01/08/2022 Monthly PANV Member Meeting
12/11/2021 Monthly PANV Meeting - Cancelled
11/13/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/14/2021 PANV's Third Lunch and Learn CLE
10/07/2021 NFPA Annual Convention
10/04/2021 Paralegals’ Week in Virginia
09/18/2021 VAPA Annual Meeting/Elections
09/09/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
08/20/2021 VTLA Advanced Paralegal Retreat
08/18/2021 PANV's Second Lunch and Learn CLE
08/14/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting and Crab Feast
06/26/2021 VAPA Board of Delegates Quarterly Meeting
06/11/2021 NFPA Joint Conference (Virtual)
06/10/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting (Annual Meeting)
06/02/2021 PANV First Lunch and Learn CLE
05/15/2021 Monthly PANV Meeting
04/24/2021 NFPA REGION IV Spring Meeting
04/10/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
03/20/2021 NFPA Non-Annual Policy Meeting
03/20/2021 VAPA BOD Meeting (Virtual)
03/13/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/20/2021 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/09/2021 Monthly PANV Meeting
12/12/2020 Monthly PANV Meeting
11/14/2020 Monthly PANV Meeting
10/22/2020 VIRTUAL - NFPA 2020 Annual Convention - for details and registration.
10/17/2020 PANV Annual Meeting
10/05/2020 VAPA 2020 Biennial Conference going Virtual!!!
09/30/2020 Professional Development Virtual Happy Hour
09/12/2020 UPDATE: Monthly PANV Meeting
08/20/2020 Board Only Meeting
08/08/2020 UPDATE: Monthly PANV Annual Board Meeting
06/17/2020 "Virtual" VADER Presentation for Advanced Users
06/13/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting via Video Conferencing
05/16/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting via Video Conferencing
04/25/2020 CANCELED - 7th PANV Saturday CLE
04/04/2020 CANCELLED - APRIL Monthly PANV Board Meeting
04/03/2020 TIMELY FREE WEBINAR: REMOTE DEPOSITIONS offered by Planet Depos
03/14/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/08/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/11/2020 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
12/07/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
11/09/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/10/2019 NFPA 2019 Annual Convention and Policy Meeting Hosted by the Paralegal Association of Rochester, Inc.
10/05/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
09/28/2019 VAPA Annual Meeting (elections)
09/21/2019 6th PANV Fall CLE (NFPA APPROVED 4 HOURS)
08/03/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting and Crab Feast
06/20/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting (Annual Meeting)
05/14/2019 Annual VADER Presentation
05/11/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting - CHANGE OF TIME AND LOCATION
04/13/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
03/09/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/09/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/12/2019 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
12/01/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
11/03/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/25/2018 NFPA 2018 Annual Convention
10/13/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
10/05/2018 VAPA 2018 Biennial Conference/Paralegals' Week Reception
09/08/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
08/04/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting and Crab Feast
06/06/2018 PANV Annual Meeting
05/16/2018 NEW DATE AND TIME: Monthly PANV Board Meeting
04/27/2018 PANV Paralegal Certification Scholarship Deadline EXTENDED TO COB MAY 4!
04/24/2018 2018 VADER Presentation
04/14/2018 NFPA Region IV Spring Meeting
04/07/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
03/21/2018 Career Day at South Lakes High School
03/03/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
02/03/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting
01/13/2018 Monthly PANV Board Meeting-New location and time!
12/05/2017 Holiday Member Social
09/16/2017 5th Annual PANV Fall CLE
08/05/2017 Members Only Summer Social & Crab Feast
07/08/2017 PANV Board Meeting
05/10/2017 VADER 2014.3

Copyright February 2017
Paralegal Association of Northern Virginia, P.O. Box 3112, Fairfax, VA 22038

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